This policy may change from time to time, so check back periodically.
Guests may bring usual household pets such as dogs and cats to a campground and resort. No other animals, livestock, poultry, reptiles, insects, or exotic pets are permitted. Banned dog breeds include Bully breeds, Pit Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers, Doberman Pinschers, German Shepherds, Wolf mixes and Rottweillers.
All pets must be registered with the office and vaccination records must be available upon request, and all pets must wear a collar identifying the owner and phone number.
Pets must be kept on a leash at all times and under the control of their owner.
Pets must not be left tied or otherwise unattended at any time.
For the protection of, and in consideration to other persons, noisy, aggressive, vicious, unruly, or poisonous pets are not allowed at a campground. Persons who are unable to control their pets must remove them from the campground, or the animal may be taken to/by local animal control authorities.
The owner of any pet is responsible for any injuries or damages caused by their pets. In addition, the owner of any pet that causes injury or damages to another is expected to resolve the issue directly with the injured party. We are not responsible for any injuries or damages caused by pets.
Guests are responsible for their pets and should "clean up" after them. All pet droppings must be properly disposed of in a trash receptacle. If Hilltop Campground incurs any expenses, the guest will be required to reimburse us for those expenses.
Pets are not permitted in the public buildings, including but not limited to the bathrooms and laundry facility.
Service animals may accompany a disabled person without any proof of disability or certification for the service animal. Service animals are permitted in buildings where pets are prohibited.